
What is Pert?


Perky, usually to describle breasts of moderately small size, but perfectly formed.

Her tits aren't that big, but pert? Oh most definately yes!


According to a group of cocky whores at rockford lutheran, this word can basically mean anything...

OMG IM SO PERT!! (omg im so horny)

WHAT THE PERT IS THAT?? (what the fuck is thAt)

LOOK AT THAT PERT-O!! (look at that sexy guy!)

See horny, guy, fuck, apple, grass


An abriviation for the word Pretty. Commonly used when texting.

Omg thats so Pert!

See pret, pretty, nice, cute, amazing


The act of releasing gas while urinating. (Fart-pee)

I was so embarassed when I perted.

Wow I think I am going to pert.

See pee, fart, urinate, pass gas


(1) adjective. Fashion conscious, extremely feminine. Used in a positive sense for females. Of Bermudian origin.

(2) adjective. Smart alecky. Rude. Of Bermudian origin.

(1) "Wow, look at her outfit - she is too pert!"

(2) "Did you hear the mouth on her? How did her parents raise such a pert child?"

See dicty, feminine, rude, smart, pert


marijuana, weed, bud, grass, ganja, reefer, etc

"What's happenin, what's up? Get that pert fired up

What's happenin, what's up? got Patron in my cup"

-Lil Jon (Snap yo fingas)

See marijuana, weed, bud, grass, ganja, reefer, dank


used to describe the female reproductive system, or used to show that you're soon to be getting action with that of a female.

Joe: All i did was tickle her wet pert.

See vagina, pussy, cunt, lips, poon-tang


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