
What is Pervertical?


pervertical (per vur tih kul) ADJECTIVE. To be like a pervert. To have something in common with a deviant mind. Being aligned with demented and dangerous ideas.

Neil- So I fired my degaussing cannon, which erased all her bank cards. She was stuck in the middle of Shitsville with no money and no way to get home. Know what I did next?

Tommy- You gave her a hundred bucks so she'd give you her phone number so she could pay you back. And maybe give you a gratitude fuck.


Tommy- We're pervertical.

Neil- Yeah, we kinda are.

Tommy- So, did you fuck her?

Neil- Nah, I want to sabotage her car and rescue her from a burning building first. Then she'll REALLY let me do all kinds of sick shit on her.

Tommy- You're such a romantic.

See pervert, deviant, fiend, twisted, sick, evil, rotten, vile, monster


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