Pet Peeve

What is Pet Peeve?


An irritating experience caused by others in which you cannot control

People like user Bernardo Srulzon submitting a "pet peeve" definition to Urban Dictionary which is a direct copy from dictionary


Something that irritates the heck out of you.


when drivers pull out in front of you and dont speed up

driving slow in the passing lane

turning without signaling

when drivers wont let U merge in traffic

sitting at the light after it turns green

people on their cell phone while driving

being cutoff by another driver

clerks at fastfood places who hardly speak English

when the driver in front of U hits the breaks without reason

seeing people protesting on street corners


crying infants near you on an airplane

Sometimes, anything and everything is my pet peeve.

See irritation, bothersome, people, troublesome, krock1dk


something a teacher says you can't do because it is annoying, but more often than not you could really care less.

jimmy, don't tap your pencil, you know it's a real pet peeve of mine.

See peev, annoying, controlling, teachers


An opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed

"Grammatical mistakes are his pet peeve"

"A pet peeve of mine is people who ..."


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