
What is Peta?


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

A bunch of morons, although they have the right idea about helping animals, are doing it the wrong way. They destroy other people's property, and come up with stupid shit like "eating meat causes impotence" (I swear I saw a sign that PETA had put up that said that).

Humans have been eating meat for millions of years now and we still overpopulate the world. Explain that, please.

See Dottina (a proud, patriotic American)


People Eating Tasty Animals

This is the true meaning of PETA

See Big Bad Bastard


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. A group founded in 1980 with over 800,000 current members worldwide. They are the most successful registered radical organization in existence. Similar to the Nazi party, and religious extremists, they believe in fascism and use violence and propaganda as their vehicles to achieve their goal. They have a tax exempt status, and collect nearly $30,000,000.00 yearly.

PETA seeks “total animal liberation.” This means no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no wool, no leather, no hunting, no fishing, and no pets (not even seeing-eye dogs). PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals (including AIDS research).

They do in fact operate kills shelters and have killed over 10,000 healthy house pets. They are against animals as pets.

They support violence if it is for achieving their goal. They use their collected money to pay legal fees for members charged with felonies.

PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has said that “even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it.”

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has donated over $150,000 to criminal activists -- including those jailed for arson, burglary, and even attempted murder

See M.C.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a popular terrorist organization in the United States.

It's okay to hurt humans, but not to hurt animals.


Even me an enviormental extremest thinks these people are insane. Protecting endangered animals and preventing animal abuse is one thing but preventing people from eating meat that is retarded. Wolves, big cats bears, even some birds and reptiles eat meat. I guess they want to stop those animals from eating meat too. They don't understand a balence in nature and a little bit of everything is good. Hypocritecal and stupid explanes PETA.

PETA is worthless, normal people would do better to help the enviorment than PETA.


A hypocritical organization that will never be successful in the Arctic regions, Siberia, New Zealand, the desert regions of Australia, Muslim-dominated countries, China, Scotland, Iceland, and the developing nations of Africa, Asia, Central America, or South America.

Also notice that the People of Ethical Treatment of Animals seem to favor the cute, cuddly-wuddly, furry animals. What about the insects and arachnids? What about the fish, mollusks, and crustaceans? What about the bacteria? What about the reptiles? What about humans? Don't they all have rights too? Would it be animal cruelty if one washes with antibacterial soap?

The PETA is also actively funding a dog-genocide campaign in which any canine suspected to belong to the Pittbull variety (a loveable, family-friendly, loyal dog that is safe with children IF TRAINED PROPERLY) is immediately taken from the owner and killed. Doesn't matter if the dog is half-Pittbull, 1/32 Pittbull, or looks like a Pittbull, the poor pooch will be marked for death.

Ethical Treatment my ass.

The campaigns of the PETA organization will fail miserably in the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and South America because the people there, who for centuries have traditionally used animals as a primary mode of transportation, source of food, and method for planting/ploughing/harvesting crops, cannot afford to let their livestock roam free.

For every time the PETA pisses off humanity, I celebrate by barbecuing a steak or ribs.

See sarcastic


Acronym for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals," attempting to impose thier perverse "ethics" on the entire world. A menace to society. Stay far away at all times.

If you encounter a member of PETA, do not run. Nod your head and back away slowly.


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