Peter Schiff

What is Peter Schiff?


Ron Paul's economic adviser during the presidential campaign 2008.

Owner of Europacific Capital brokerage firm.

Know best for his youtube video

"Peter Schiff was Right" where he predicts

the coming real estate crash years before it happens while being mocked by the other

so called 'expert' including Arthur Laffer.

He is also the author of "Crashproof and how to profit from the coming collapse"

and "Little book of bull moves in bear markets"

An American patriot and a visionary.

Peter Schiff: American have been living off their illusion of real estate wealth and spending consuming too much without any savings. At some point that phony wealth will evaporate. Home prices driven by a real estate bubble is not real wealth

Art Laffer: Of course it is real wealth!

Thats what American were saying about their wealth before 1929. Everyone thought they were rich, but it was only on paper, just like today.

See economics, real estate, bubble


Idiot stock broker who brain-dead Paultards believe is a genius economist. "Predicted" the current recession, just not accurately at all; he predicted gold would be worth $5000 an ounce by now, and that inflation would be 20%...right now we are facing deflation, and neither is true. Many real economists predicted the current recession with much more accuracy.

Idiot: Hey man, Peter Schiff was the only economist to predict our recession, vote for Rawn Pall!

Informed person: Economist you say? Does he have a degree in economics?


Informed person: And how is his stock portfolio doing?

Idiot: lost 80% of its value.

Informed person: I rest my case

See dickface, paultard, economics, youtube


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