
What is Petewentzy?


adj. of or having the characteristic of 1. excessive emo douchbaggery; 2. slightly less man-ish Simpson sister-dating to conceal more-not-latent-than-late nt homosexuality 3. unironic year-round pun-laden hoodie wearing; 4. wearing too much eyeliner

My blog is totally petewentzy. Today I posted a roundup of the newest cafepress hoodies my power-emo bandmates designed. We're called "The Decepticons". If you come to our show, we can totally make love in the bathroom. But I gotta be honest, I cry after sex; I'm just that emo and petewentzy.

Tom, your eyeliner looks great- but if you really wanna do it up petewentzy-like, you need to cry a bit so that it smears.

See pete wentz, fallout boy, emo, eyeliner


adj. of or having the characteristic of 1. excessive emo douchbaggery; 2. slightly less man-ish Simpson sister-dating to conceal more-not-latent-than-latent homosexuality 3. unironic year-round pun-laden hoodie wearing; 4. wearing too much eyeliner

My blog is totally petewentzy. Today I posted a roundup of the newest cafepress hoodies my power-emo bandmates designed. We're called "The Decepticons". If you come to our show, we can totally make love in the bathroom. But I gotta be honest, I cry after sex; I'm just that emo and petewentzy.

Tom, your eyeliner looks great- but if you really wanna do it up petewentzy-like, you need to cry a bit so that it smears.

See asshatery, eyeliner


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