What is Peugeot ' A Side Order Of Frogs Legs' 306 Tdi?


A total bag of bolloxs. Owned by tight fisted network administrators earning a good bit of buncewho live and die by the MPG.

Usually sport fake perms,questionable togs and fit shite alloys and other bolloxs to 'enhance'the tub of lard they purchased in a vain attempt to have a 'sporty' & family 'car'.

Be-Jesus, look at that F425OOU with the wank alloys and dodgy kevin keegan perm.............

Wonder if the pile of turd has 100 horses under the hood? Whoops, of course it does it a TDI after all.

Well there's a glid the diesel in everyone I guess ??!

Hey gorgeous I'll be 56secs late tonight. I'm really sorry.

Please don't make me eat any pringles. They are SO un-organic I'll keel over and my arm will drop off.


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