
What is Phallus?



1. An object that is either a penis, or in some way is related a penis, not neccessarily in shape

2. An object that represents masculinity

1. In the original movie posters for "The Little Mermaid," a phallus is clearly depicted. This was later corrected by Disney.

2. His sports car was his phallus, and women flocked to it.



1. a symbol or representation of the penis.

2. a penis.

1. The Eiffel Tower, the things little boys draw on desks, etc.

2. a it that hard to understand? do you really need an example?


Formal/medical term for the male genitalia.

See dick, penis, cockand tool.

The man's phallus was crooked because he tried to fuck a goat sideways.

See Julie


(greek for phallos)

1. Latin term for erect penis

2. Descibe someone to have penis like qualities

3. Clitorusof the female

1. Phallus amat (Translation: You Love Penis)

2. Agricola phalli est

3. He licked your phallus?

"Mr. Kolo, what does Phallus mean" (teacher blushes)

See clitorus, pen15, balls


a huge penis shaped object

look yonder, a huge phallic mountain!


Latin term for penis.

I have a huge phallus.


Penis shaped object, thing or person.

Nelsons Column


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