
What is Philistine?


Philistine = No Culture

A conformist in everything they do. A person who is obsessed with sports, sex (among the High School and College set in particular, but some may not be at all) and Motor vehicles. They listen to whatever everyone else is listening to (especially if it is Country Music, Classic Rock, Nickleback, Limp Bizkit or rap/ Hip Hopin the case of many younger philistines), wear whatever everyone else is wearing, and avoid anything that is in the least bit unusual, unique, or eccentric. They tend to have little to no use for art, be of limited intelligence, be obsessed with such things as NASCAR, golf, Hunting and Fishing, and tend to drive gas guzzling vehicles like SUVs and Extended cabPickup Trucks. They are the fuel behind reality television. They love ATVs and all the damage they cause to the land. They could care less about the environment, only recycle if they feel a significant profit is to be made, and think that by keeping everything cut (grass, brush etc, ignorant of the fact that the plants that they are leaving are invasive) and throwing everything in the trash that they are helping the environment.

They are ignorant of geography and will generalize an entire region under the identity of a single city eg Paramount's King's Island being in " Cincinnati", Disney Worldbeing in "Orlando", Coral Castle being in "Miami" and Tybee Island being in "Savannah".

No capability of thinking outside the box or any other sort of critical thinking for that matter.

The United States is domminated by Philistines.

See jock, redneck, conformist, reality tv, conservative, status quo, mtv, bible belt, popular culture, nascar, jackass, fear factor, red state, basketball, baseball



1. A member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the 12th century B.C.

2. a) a smug, ignorant and normally boureoise classified as being ingnorant or opposed to cultural values

b) one who lacks knowledge in a specific area


1. of a boorish or barbarous nature


You, sir, are a philistine, a member of the "great unwashed"


your philistine reputation is known to all


Hannah Montana & billy Joel

every piece of music or word that iscapes that pair of philistines facial orifices, which btw, should be cemented over at the earliest oppertunity

See philistine, tosser, wanker, pleb, smeg head


1.A member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the 12th century B.C.

2. Anyone that is considered "uncultured" by the educated elite

Homer Simpson is a philistine

See renton


A smugly ignorant person with no appreciation of intellectualor artisticmatters.

The creationist christianVenomFangX on Youtube is a great example of a philistine.

See smug, ignorant, ignorance, creationist, creationism, pseudo-intellectual


someone who doesn't care about books and interesting films and things

Your mother's brother Ned is also a philistine.

See philistine, books, squid, whale


1. A group of sub-pagans in Biblical times who were killed in a suicide attack by Samson.

2. A type of person who spends all of his/her life's CPU cycles on how to make everybody else's lives absolutely miserable--especially one who throws their legal weight around while doing so. Examples include schoolteachers, terrorists (of any race/religion), lawyers/ambulance chasers, Sammy on the soap opera "Days of Our Lives", hate groups, people who lobby for freedom from religion instead of freedom of religion (hellloooo! there's a difference there!), war-hungry peoples,the RIAA/MPAA/ISDA, spyware/malware/virus writers, those who support activation DRM in computer programs...etc.

Only a philistine would force people to pay for a non-energy-bearing electrical waveform.

See bible, philistine, pagan, hateful, lawsuit, atheism


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