Philly Taco

What is Philly Taco?



- cheesesteak

- pizza

Lay an entire cheesesteak on top of a large slice of pizza. Line up the cheesesteak parallel to the pizza crust and simply roll it over the cheesesteak, up to the point of your slice.

Recommendation #1:

- first get a slice of Lorenzo's pizza near 3rd & South (because it's large & delicious then walk less than a block to Jim's Cheesesteaks at 4th & South (because they too are delicious & proximity is essential so both ingredients are hot).

Recommendation #2:

- order “Prov wit, whiz on top”. This sexy intermingling of cheese provides the stretchiness of provolone while simultaneously fulfilling the need for whiz’s creamy mushiness. fried onions are a no-brainer.

Guy #1: Yo dude, it's 2:30am and I'm drunk and starving. Do you want pizza or a cheesesteak?

Guy #2: Dude, I'm so hungry I could eat both.

Guy #1: Shit man, you need a philly taco!

See cheesesteak, cheese steak


When you wrap an entire cheesesteak in a slice of pizza.

Suggestion: head to South street and try this with Jim's Cheesteaks & Lorenzo's Pizza.

While everyone has the right to order a cheesesteak however they like, I highly recommend “Prov wit, whiz on top”. This sexy intermingling of cheese provides the stretchiness of provolone while simultaneously fulfilling the need for whiz’s creamy mushiness. As for the fried onions, well, that’s a no-brainer.

Yo dude, it's 3am and I'm so hungry I could eat a Philly Taco!

See cheesesteak, lorenzos, philly cheesesteak, taco, philly


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