
What is Philosophy?


Contrary to some of the vacuous bullshit you'll find on this page, philosophy is a noble, no, possibly THE most noble academic discipline one can study. Sans repeating what our friend correctly said about the five major fields, I will say this: We live and die for philosophy. Even if we don't realize it, nearly everything we believe is predicated on someone's philosophical investigations. To debase the mother of all sciences as a "waste of the taxpayer's money" is to admit barefaced ignorance.

Oh yeah, and philosophy majors score higher than any other majors on the graduate exam; mathematics students come in second. Maybe they're doing something right.

PS. I'm not a philosophy major.

Do philosophy, dipshit.

See Matt


Think about it.

No,think about -> " IT"

"It....think about it...


The habit of continuously asking questions about every aspect of the human condition.Has been known to make some of its adepts pompous and arrogant,but has also made others a little brighter than they were before.

Philosophy was an integral part of his/her life.


The highest and most noble academic discipline one can study.

Philosophy undertakes the task of determining the fundamental nature of human existence with thorough logical analysis. Philosophy can be broken down into four major branches:

1. Metaphysics: the study of ultimate reality

2. Epistemology: the study of knowledge

3. Ethics: the study of human actions and conduct

4. Aesthetics: the study of art and beauty

Once you study philosophy, science doesn't seem as interesting.

See ethics, metaphysics, logic


1. The major for people who value education and intelligent thought over silly matters such as getting a job.

2. The reason that one day I will live in a box, unless I buckle down and take those damn LSATs.

Homeless man: Give me money!

Pedestrian: Hey, I recognize you! Werent you an honors philosophy student at my college?

Homeless man: But what does 'recognition' REALLY mean? *ponders*

See philosophy, religion, logic, ethics, mind, body, descartes, locke, socrates, plato, hume, aristotle, existentialism, law, reasoning, writing, papers, english, university, professor


"Philosophy- A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing." --Ambrose Bierce

It was late one night when I was on a road trip with my two friends, Brian and Laura, when we decided to pull over to the side of the road and retire.

"Looks like you'll be sleeping in the car while Laura and I have the tent," Brian said.

"Here's the blanket," he continued, "You'll be fine with this, won't you?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Are you sure?"

"How is one sure of anything?"

"Or that there is any thing to be sure of," he added.

We both nodded, contemplating the profundity.

See Killing Kittens


Meaning the love of wisdom, philosophers try to answer the ultimate questions that can not be answered. See examples. Famous philosophers include - Aristotle, Plato, Hume, Neitzche etc...

Areas of philosophy include ethics, metaphysics, mind etc

Philosophy in films - Donnie Darko, Butterfly Effect, The Matrix, Minority Reports, Space Odessey 2010

See wikipedia for more info...

Who are we? Is there a god? Why are we here? What is the meaning to life? Is there free willor are our fates pre-determined?


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