
What is Phone?


that annoying thing that wakes u up in the middle of the night just because ur idiot friend broke up with her loser boyfriend.

i hate my phone i hate my phone i hate my phone!


1. apparatus for the average teenage daughter to talk about incoherent things for hours on end.

2. something that will haunt you if you owe money to the government, bank loans, loan sharks, friends, accidents at the local pet store you work for, or perhaps your school for the mysterious fire.

1. "Shannon... GET OFF THE PHONE!"

2. "No Mr. Johnson, my son did not suck the hamsters up with a vacuum cleaner.

See Orphans


Something used to communicate that seems to be replaced and forgotten by instant messanging programs.

"Phone.. what's a phone?"

"Hm.. I am not sure. Let's chat on aim!"


a device used to call somebody.

why isn't this definition here yet?

I am going to use my phone.


A device that was originally created for contacting someone over long distances without much effort.

Today, there are many variations of the phone but most of them do every stupid thing that you don't need it to do. Because of this, the corporations jack the price up to inhumane levels.

It's still possible to get a normal phone which does what it was originally intended to do but if you have one your friends will make fun of you.

I got this new phone and could not figure out how to make a call on it. I could, however, summon a giant robot and arm a nuke fairly easily.

See phone, iphone, cell phone, phones


Phone; noun

1) the best invention of all time

2) by far the WORST invention of all time

1. person 1<hey, it's me, just calling to say hi...i love phones!

person 2> i know they rock.

2. person 1<hey, it's me. i know it's four in the morning and you only went to be 2 hours ago because you were writing a paper and you have an exam at 8:30 tomorrow morning, BUT, i'm SURE you wanna hear from me!!

person 2>i hate you.

See telephone, great, horrible, awesome


1. A device that was once originally used to speak to another person whose location is a significant or considerable distance apart from you, but now it is a confirmation that you would like to receive free calls from telemarketers.

2. Something teenagers use far too much.

-Phone Rings-

Person: Hello?

Telemarketer: Thank you for purchasing a telephone, you are now eligible to receive calls so you can get discounts on HOT products.

Person: Fuck off. -Hangs up- ...I didn't buy a phone to get the hell annoyed out of me...

See phone, telemarketer, telephone, hang up, dial, communication


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