
What is Phu?


A male escort commonly of Vietnamese descent renowned for their flamboyant dress or fashion sense and illiteracy.

Those hedge fund boys sure like that Phu

See ladyboy, ho, prostitute, femboy


one who is considered the greatest emcee alive

this guy is a Phu. this guy has phu's skills. man, this guy's name must be phu because of his mad skills.

See John


internet term describing the leetness of an individual

"oh shit, that's phu"

"damn, he's so phu"

"damn, he's hella phu"

"that foo is SO phu"

See phu


"Potential Hook Up". Used in reference to a person who may be interested in hooking up with you or someone you know. There is much uncertainty when it comes to deciding whether someone may be a PHU, but clues include: level of flirting between the two, phone/text conversations and interest shown through facebook activity such as wall posts or excessive commenting on one's pics. PHU's may also be a more short-term and random occurrence, stemming from consumption of intoxicants at social events.

"I've been texting him all week and he 'liked' at least 5 of my profile pics. What do you think?"

"I think he's a PHU. Good luck."

"We're going to leave the party now"

"Okay, you guys go. Based on Pat and I's interaction as pong partners, I think he's a PHU."

"If that PHU were to happen, it would be so GFC"

"Yeah I know, he's such a GC"

See gfc, gc, pics


a super asian who delights in wearing a pretend blue suit with a red chest emblem.

"It's a bird.. No, it's a plane.. Look! It's Super Phu!"

See superman, super, asian, pbu, Trackies



phu is a faggot cunt sucking douche bag. He likes to break peoples arms with his

karate chop. He likes to workout to impress his trainer in gym so they can have

butt sex in the closet and did i mention that this faggot is gay well he is

very. He likes dicks 12 inch long up his butt hole so all you people with 4 inch

penises stay away from him he will bite or worse karate chop your penis. Oh did

i metion hes gay well he is gay i think i mention well hes just that gay. Phu

likes to get people drunk esspecially men so he can take advantage of them and

did i mention hes gay well he is very gay very very gay. Homosexuals try to stay

away from This faggot queer because there scared when they see him they are

gonna turn straight and leave there gay lover. Did i mention hes gay well hes a

fag cock sucker that broke the Guiness Book of Record for most dicks in his

mouth. Watchout for this kooch cuz when hes on his period he'll break ur house

and karate chop u and break ur arm and did i mention he works out because he

tries to impress people but he cant impress anybody because nobody lieks a fag

like phuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

And did i mention hes gay I think i havent but should say so to protect you

other homosexuals Soooo if you want to stay gay Stay away From PHUUUUUU!!...

Don't talk bitch ass fucker because your phu motherfucking faggot did

See cunt, douche, bitch, nig, nigga


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