What is Piece Of Cake?
something very easy to do
Beating the Grapple Guardian in Metroid Prime 2 (Echoes) is a piece of cake.
An easy task that usually ends up being more fun than difficult.
Mom: Mop the floor, please, son.
Son: Mop the floor, eh? Piece of cake!
Mom: What?
Son: I said that mopping the floor will be a piece of cake.
Mom: Oh, OK. I didn't hear you the first time.
Son: Understood.
When something is exceptionally easy. Originated from slaves doing a dance called "cakewalking," a dance to imitate ballroom dancing, made to look effortless. Slave owners would sometimes reward the best performer with a piece of hoecake.
"He makes that dance look like a piece of cake."
Something really easy to do.
Dude 1: All right, I need to farm 25K honor today.
Dude 2: Piece of cake.
Dude 1: Huh?
Dude 2: We allways cap 3 flags before the first 7 minutes (World of Warcraft).
For the Horde!
Giving a girl roofies so that you can have sex with her
Bobby wanted to take moira out for a "piece of cake" so he could get busy.
a walk in the park
a walk in the park?
piece of cake.
Any amount of money available or desired!
Look at that rich bastard driving his fat BMW!
I want a piece of cake, too!
I need to get rich under all circumstances!
I gonna cut me a piece of cake!
That robbery was successful. Man, give me my piece of cake!