
What is Piety?


n. pi|e|ty

n. pl. pi|e|ties

1. The state or quality of being pious, especially:

1a. Religious devotion and reverence to a deity.

1b. Devotion and reverence to parents and family: filial piety.

2. A devout act, thought, or statement.

3. A position held conventionally or hypocritically; a statement of such a position: "...the liberated pieties of people who believe that social attitudes have kept pace with women's aspirations�" (Erica Abeel).

"Conferred upon me for the piety Which to my country I was judged to have shown."

-- Milton


Being devoted; Especially in religion. It can also mean devotion and reverence to your parents.

I exhibit piety with every devout act, thought, or statement I make.


religious devotion

The ascetic's piety was something to adore.


Noun form of pious, or devout (reverence in God). Associated with monks.

"Player hater,where's da piety?"


devotion motivated by fear, paranoia, and/or percieved possibility of selfish personal benefit

I will do thy will, oh Lord, even though what I interpret as your will will conflict with the many interpretations of others causing me to pursue a passionate crusade against all others not conforming to what I percieve to be your will because everyone should follow your one true will, right, oh Lord? Bless me father. You are my shepard. I submit my free will to you. Just deliver me to eternal bliss, please. Amen.


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