Pig Latin

What is Pig Latin?


Juvenile "code" language created by the rearrangement of sounds in a word such that the first sound is moved to the end and "ay" is added. In the case of a vowel as the first sound, "ay" is simply added, with an hyphen if necessary.

"I am able to speak Pig Latin!" -->

"I-ay amay able-ay ootay eakspay Igpay Atinlay"

"Bob was transported to Vietnam." -->

"Ob-bay asway ansportedtray ootay Ietnamvay."


differnt lanuguage...take the first letter of the word and put it at the end then add "ay" pronounced "I" if word starts with a vowle simply add "way" to then end...

i love travis --> iway ovelay ravistay

i'm bored--> miway oredbay

this sucks--> histay ucksay


Juvenal cypher language formed by moving the first letter or sound of a word and appending it to the end.

"Ooday and Cusay are edday. Ilkayed enway eirthay assday(irregular) asway otshay offday(irregular)

(Ooday and Cusay are dead killed when their ass(s) were shot off.}


if word begins with a vowel then you at 'yay' at the end (ie out becomes outyay)

if word begins witha consonant then you move the consonants to the end but only up to the first vowel, then you add 'ay' to the end(ie streight becomes eightstray)

i cant think of an example = i antcay inkthay ofyay anyay exampleyay

See fresh prince


Juvenile "code" language created by the rearrangement of sounds in a word such that the first character is moved to the end and "bay" is added. In the case of a vowel as the first sound, "bay" is simply added.

"Histbay isbay anbay examplebay ofbay igpbay atinlbay."

- means: This is an example of pig latin.

See coding, slang, jibberish


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