
What is Piggies?


recommended name for police officers

"oi jason, the piggies are here, quick hide the plants dude, hide the fucken plants man"

See Brother Number One


Slang for "toes." Plural form of "piggy."

Singular: "This little piggy went to market..."

Plural: "My piggies are freezing."

See toes, feet, socks, pork, hogs


refers to a female companion or companions affectionately.

Im goin to see my piggies tonight, they are having a party at the pigpen.

See pig, piglet, piggie, chicks, hotties


Piggies.....Bolton Wanderers & their fans.

A play on Bolton Wanderers nick-name 'the trotters'. Pigs have trotters, thus the name piggies when reffering to Bolton.

(also known as notlob or notlobbers

Bolton have no rivals, as nobody rates them enough.

"who are the piggies playing today?"

"Has Jabba Allardyce left the piggies in the lurch?"

"Just watch the piggies sink now"

See piggies, trotters, bolton, notlob


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