
What is Piggle?


A colloquilism for a guinea pig.

My piggle is in it's cage.

See guinea pig, animal, pet, happy, pickle


Piggle (verb)

Most commonly used to refer to the quick picking/scraping action of the finger and fingernail when trying to remove a stubborn sticky label from a surface, but applies whenever this action is used.

"Have you taken the label off Bob's present yet?"

"It's a toughie but I'm trying - I'm halfway through piggling it off!"


The act of snorting when you laugh/giggle.

I hate when I piggle in public.

See SC


A genetic cross between a poodle and a pig.

"Blatt your gimcrackee Piggle you dulsory hamshank!"

-Kareemed Khorn


Adam Staroba. Never stops eating.

Piggle piggle piggle, I made you out of fat!

See The Turd Burglar


Adam Staroba

The piggle Adam, spent his life playing Diablo II and eating pork grinds(What a cannibal).


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