
What is Pig-latin?


Pig-Latin (igpay atinlay) is the most simple and most effective form of verbal code in the pseudo-English language. One must simply remove the first letter of a word and place it at the end, and add '-ay'. The prefered method of communication of adlays ('lads' in normal-speak), as well as their female counterparts ( asslays). It proves useful for putting off any undercover cops or non-adlays as to the original message.


Adlay1: Oi, adlay, where's the oongay?

Adlay2: I ankdrayed it all, untcay. We'll leg it to idcombelay and buy some more.

Adlay3: Anyone got some ingerpays?


Lad1: Excuse me, friend, do you know where the cask wine is?

Lad2: I drank it all, my friend. We shall make for Lidcombe and buy some more.

Lad3: Does anyone happen to have some ecstasy?

See adlay, english, asslay, chatty


The main argotic procedure in the English language. There are several versions of it, but the principle remains the same: to dissimulate the original message with a stable parasitic code surrounding each syllables of that original message. Pig-latin is a strictly verbal argot.

Smgokl-smfuckl-smyourkl-smselfkl is "Go fuck yourself" in a specific variety of pig-latin

See Ysengrim


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