
What is Pignose?


A small, battery-powered electic guitar amplifier.

Tom used to go everywhere with his Telecaster and his pignose.

See guitar, music, amplifier, marshall, fender


Noun. Of or pertaining to a pigs nose. Usually referenced when witnessing a woman of sub-average looks. Having large circular nostrils with a wide spread, sitting very flush to the face; resembling a pig.

G-d that woman is so hideous! Look at her pignose!!

Jenny's so messy that her apartment resembles a pig sty. Its a good thing since she has a pignose to match!

See fugly


A total SEX GOD, in the league of Andrew Grice.

We were up all night long, I couldn't get enough, he was a total pignose.

See Lozza


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