Pigs Ass

What is Pigs Ass?


The term "pigs ass" is used in many situations. It is most commonly used when someone claims something is not true. It may also be an insult towards you or someone else your respect. It could insult any part of your life and "pigs ass" is a suitable retaliation.

Used like sarcasm.

"Hey man...I banged ya mum!"

"yeah, pigs ass"

"hey, man my penis is bigger than yours!"

"yeah, pigs ass"

"Heard you were gay man?!"

"yeah, pigs ass"

"Hey. dont you have a chode?!"

"yeah, pigs ass"

"i hate you man i am gonna kill you first chance i get"

"yeah, pigs ass"

"Oi, man. u look like a pigs ass"

"yeah, pigs ass"

See pig, ass, monobrow, raging slut, raging bull


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