
What is Piguana?



Piguana is the name of a piece of street art that was placed along with dozens of others on the streets of Bath in 2008. The project was called 'King Bladud's Pigs in Bath' and refers to a king of three thousand years ago discovering some pigs who were themselves discovering the healing waters of Aquae Sulis (now Bath)

This has been done in other cities such as Chicago, which had cows. A piguana is a lizard in a pig-shaped body, a chimera, a cross between an iguana and a domestic pig.

No example can be given of a piguana as they don't really exist but photographs of this mythical creature can be found on the internet.

Source: john bendon, bath

The piguana at the bottom of the garden looks remarkably like a pig with scales.

See hybrid, pig, iguana, reptilian


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