
What is Piledriver?


A sexual position seen in alot of porno movies. It's when you have a female person pointing one of her holes upwards, and a man who forcedly inserts his penis in said hole. It's commonly seen that the man needs to press his penis downwards with his hand to make this act possible. The extreme porn star Max Hardcore is known to perform this act quite often in his movies.

Can also be used as a verb. "Piledriving"

"Have you ever tried the piledriver on your girlfriend?"

"No, sadly she won't let me."

"Hey, did you see the latest Max Hardcore movie?"

"For sure, he really piledrived the living hell outta that chick!"

See piledriver, piledrive, pile, driver, pile driver


A sexual position in which the woman lies facing upward on her neck and shoulders on the floor, with her hips thrust upwards. The man, standing over her and holding her legs, penetrates downward into her.

Michelle's neck was sore from trying the Piledriver.


1. A wrestling move where the aggressor takes the victim and flips him upside down, at which point he proceeds to jump up and then drive the victim's head into the ground, intending to cause spinal damage. This move is what caused Stone Cold Steve Austin to take a leave from wrestling for an extended period of time.

2. A sexual position where the woman is standing on her head and the male proceeds to take her legs, spread them apart, and penetrate (as he's standing up). This is rather tricky, as both parties need to have a good sense of balance.

3. A machine that drives piles (those wooden things you see at the beach sometimes) into the ground. This is actually where the wrestling move got its name. It uses a heavy weight to hammer the pile into the ground.

1. Jerry 'the king' lawler: oh my god! did you see that pile driver!?

2. guy 1: so you try anything new with the wife last night?

guy 2: yeah, we decided to do it piledriver style.

my junkhurts. she liked it though.

3. I think the pile driver's broken. We can't put the barrier up today.

See wrestling, wraslin', sex, junk, position


(v.) any number of grappling moves that places the oppenent's head between the attackers' legs, and the attacker dropping down onto that part of the legs with the head of the victim hitting the floor first.

(v.) also variations of 69er

Degenerations include tombstone piledriver/tombstone.

See Kung-Fu Jesus


A piledriver is a mixed drink consisting of two jiggers of vodka in a tall glass of prune juice. Probably came from the screwdriver, similarly made but using orange juice as the base. It is popularly used either as a cure for constipation or as a "dare drink."

I'm constipated, so gimme two piledrivers and a half-hour.

See constipation, vodka, mixed drinks, laxative, Duckbutt


Classic heavy metal band from Toronto, Canada. Fronted by Gord (Piledriver) Kirchin, they released Metal Inquisition (featuring the title track, Sex With Satan, Sodomize The Dead, Witch Hunt, Alien Rape, Human Sacrifice) in 1984, then Stay Ugly (featuring Lord Of Abominations, The Fire God, The Executioner, Metal Death Racer) in 1986, only to disappear into culthood. Reformed in 2005, and seen in live performances in Toronto and Montreal, soon touring the US and Europe, with new album Metal Manifesto.

I saw Piledriver in concert last night, and now my wife won't kiss me.

See piledriver, heavy metal


a move where a woman is sitting on her hear and the man bends over her and drivers her into the ground with his cock

i piledrived the shit outta yo sista last night u chooch

See Miles


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