
What is Pill?


The most important drug EVER made. Prevents women from getting pregnant without stripping the fun from sex.

Now that my girl's on the pill I can enjoy sex again.

See Oprah


1. a single pharmaceutical tablet of any kind

2. birth control

3. ecstacy

4. an annoying or nagging person

5. a slang term for a basketball

1. "I had a headache this morning so I took two pills of aspirin."

2. "Naw, I rawdog it, my girl's on the pill."

3. "I took two pills of molly last night, man I'm ate up."

4. "Don't be a pill. I'll rake the yard when I'm good and ready."

5. "What's up with that rock, kid? Throw me the pill."

See b-ball, basketball, fluffhead, birth control, molly, ecstacy, e, tab, rock


" An Ecstacy tablet more commonly known in clubs across the land as a pill"

"Other names for this are

" Have you got any pills??"


Something required for me to take on a daily basis so I can put up with some people that deserve to be choked.

2- anti pyschotic medication

When I decided to run the asshole off the road and did so successfully, I had just remembered that I forgot to take my pill the night before.

See Ben Dover


An ecstacy tablet consumed orally, snorted, whacked(Arm), anally.

"Has your pill hit you yet?"

"Yeah, I'm pilling really hard, man!"

See Diego


Basketball (the ball, not the game)

Yo dog, gimme the pill!


Short for Pillgwenlly, a suburb of Newport, South Wales. A sunny part of the city where crack cocaine is easily available to many respectable people who are issued free money on a fortnightly basis.

"Goin' down Pill to score some crack spa."


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