
What is Pills?


Es Ecstasy

got any pills


happyness in tablet form

two pills you popped and you aint got no spinal fluid left


Multiple ecstacy tablets.

We dumped the pills and were peaking after 45 minutes.

See Diego


What you prescribe someone who needs to overcome something that is getting them down. Can also come in cream form.

John "Aw man.. I can't handle any more beer.."

Dan "Really? You know you can get pills for that."

John "Pills?? What kind?"

Dan "Umm.. what were they called...? Uh.. Oh yea.. HARDEN THE FUCK UP pills."

John "..."

Dan " =) "

See pills, harden up, pussy, bitch, wimp


testicles. They usually work in pairs. Romany word 'pele' meaning testicles. see goolies

mince my pills (expression of mild astonishment)


pills are your friend. they can be used to kill yourself. there very affective

See no one cares



I tried my best pick up line and all she did was kick me in the PILLS


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