
What is P.i.m.p.?


1. Protection, Instruction, & Management of Prostitutes

2. Protectional Instructor Managing Professional

3. Prostitute's Instructional Management Professional

4. Professional In Management of Prostitutes

5. Prostitute's Infamous Management Professional

6. Professionally Instructing Many Prostitutes

7. Professional Illegally Managing Prostitutes

Optional, but not recommended:

*Professional- replaced by Pro, Player, or Playa

*Into - replaced by Intwined or Into

*Managing - replaced by Marketing

Slang: noun or verb

1. Player(s/z)/Playa(s/z) Interested in(to) Making Progress/Prostitutes

2. (Put/Place It) or (Paper) in My/Men's Pants/Pocket(s)/Places

3. Party In My/Men's Pants/Panties

4. Pissin(g)/Peein(g) In(to) My Pants/Place/Partner/Potty

5. Pissin(g)/Peein(g) In(to) Mouths of People/Prostitutes/Potty

6. People/Prostituts In Many/Money-filled Places/People

7. Perfect Independent Marvelous Playa(s/z) or Player(s/z)

8. Pooping In(to) My Place/Pants/Partner/Potty

9. Pennys In My Pocket/Place/Palace/Prostitutes

10. Put/Place It in My Pussy/Prostitute

11. Pussy Is My/Mens Prerogative/Purpose/Playmate

Real P.I.M.P.-Deals with/in Prostitution

Fake Pimp -Takes Advantage of/Abuses Hookers, Hoes, etc.

See player, playa, prostitute, hooker, playerz, players, hoes, hos


P- player

I- interested,in

M- makin'

P- progess

I'm a pimp down day in da Boro!!!


An acronym for "pee in my pants". Generally used when something said is funny enough to make one accidentally urinate.

Used in close relation to "lol", "lmao", or "rofl".

"HAHAAHA, omg Victor, stop! you'll make me p.i.m.p."

"Victor's so hilarious, i might pimp! irl!"

"have you seen that video of the fat chick falling down the hill? that made me pimp"

See laugh, lmao, lol, hilarious, funny, joke, pee, crack up, haha, internet, acronym, pimp


player into making progress

snoop and 50 are p.i.m.p.s


P.I.M.P. actualy stands for Person into makng Popcorn. P.I.M.P.'s are not bad people they help u every time u buy popcorn at the movies and make the best popcorn. You can tell them apart from normal people because they know how to use just the right amount of butter and salt. They will never mess up.

Some of the people behind the counters at the movies- NOT people with whore's in the back seat.

I am a P.I.M.P. i make the best popcorn.

See popper, idk, cool kids


the real meaning is (paper in my pocket) - paper meaning money, buku dollars.

or- people are simply spelling out the word pimp.

y'all know I got it P.I.M.P.

don't play, I'm a p.i.m.p.

See paper, fedia, chips, bones, mula, Chidori


Playaz Illegally Marketing Prostitutes, Thats the tru meaning on P.I.M.P.

i need sum cash tyme to P.I.M.P these hoez


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