Pimp Slap

What is Pimp Slap?


well...it really don't matter how many fingers you use. just remember that it's the back of the hand. not the palm. using the palm is the bitch slap. the back of the hand is the pimp slap.

How to preform:

While VERY angry, extend the right arm across your chest in a 90 degree angle. Tighten you bicepts, and Swing to the right with full SPEED, aiming for the cheek.

the goal is to connect as much of the back of your hand with as much force as possible.

Just finished pimp-slap(n) some dude for not comming up with the rent.

See adrian


The act of backhanding the cheek, delivering the blow from across the body. This technique is delivered with little or no leg movement as not to disturb the garmet hanging from your shoulders. The act is usually performed with heels place together, toes pointed outward, knees locked and non pimpslapping hand cupped by your side. The result of a properly executed pimp slap is a very hurt look on the face of the slap-ee coupled with a quick reaction to hold the freshly slapped spot.

Bytch betta have my money...

See Rockness


A slap delivered as a backhand to the face for disciplinary reasons. Different from a "bitch slap", which uses the palm of the hand and can be recreational.

Don't make me pimp slap your dumb ass for talking back to me!


A backhand slap across the face using the middle, index, and pinky finger. Mostly used by pimps to keep his hoes in order.

The bitch didn't gimmie my fuckin money so i pimp slapped her ass.


A backhand smack,slap, or hit (usually to the face) by a male. The Pimp Slap is used to just mess around, to hurt someone (offense or defence), or it is used by a Pimp when the "hoe won't give up all the money."

Also known as "Keeping the 'Pimp Hand' strong."

1) *Bob hits Jack*

Jack: Ow man what the hell?

Bob: Haha you just got Pimp Slapped!

2) *Someone tries to steal Bob's cell phone*

*Bob Pimp Slaps the robber*

Bob: Bitch dont even think about it!

3)A hoe makes $150 for having sex with a guy down the street. Later that day the Pimp comes to collect the money. The hoe gives him $100. The guy comes to the Pimp the next day asking for sex with the same hoe. He says he will pay the same $150 as he did yesterday. The Pimp realizes he was ripped off. The Pimp goes to the hoes house and Pimp Slaps her untill "the bitch gives up all the cash" The Pimp then makes her have sex weith the guy and the Pimp takes all the money.

See slap, punch, hit, pimp, hoe, whore, slut, guy, sex, cum, pussy, vagina, cock, dick, hard, boner, intercourse, fuck, bitch, shank


A back-handed slap, where you slowly bring your hand to your opposite shoulder and whip it out until fully extended, where you slap the face of whoever has disrespected you. If you get pimp slapped, you know you're a ho.

I thought Chris was my friend, until I realised that he didn't inhale, so I pimp slapped that ho.

See pimpslap, slap, pimp slap, bitch, diss, ho


slap to the face using the back of the hand. called a pimp slap because the large rings a pimp wears will cut the face when hit with the back of the hand. this is distinct from a bitch slap which is with the palm of the hand.

he didn't get pimp slapped at the restaurant fight, he got bitch slapped.


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