What is Pimpin' Stick Or 'magic Stick' If U Will?


It iz a special or 'Magic' stick used 2 beat (or used in combat against) Ho's, rival Pimps(but not Big Geoffry) and well actually eeeeeerey1 !!. It woz first used by a man called Mr Hilton(aka Gandalf to fight Mrs Turner the Balrog) and woz made and designed 4 him by a boy named Billy - GOD SPEED BILLY!!

"Whoevva sed progress woz a slow process woznt talkin bout me - im a P.I.M.P - plus I GOT THE MAGIC STICK" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (thats a noise btw)


Packing big wood

Nigga please.. I got the magic stick.


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