
What is Pimpsta?


tha guy thats a pimp and gangsta. snoop dogg is tha real pimpsta.

I'm a C R I P and a P I M P too, I'm a real PIMP PLAYA from 213 crew

See homie


a dude that not only pimps but pops any bitch that disrespects him

Bitch 1: that pimpst it onr bad mo fucka

Bitch 2: fo sho


a term that refers to marijuana. pimpsta is a code name for weed.

pimpsta can also be the action of smoking marijuana

hey man, you got any pimpsta?

ye guy i got a QP, wanna buy some and then pimpsta after?

See weed, marijuana, gangsta, pot, dope, bud


someone that women enjoy; Sean Meehan

Sean Meehan is a pimpsta.

See cky2k


someone that tries to pimp 2 girls @ once but fails

Geo is a pimpsta because he likes s* and t*- (taken already by benj :P)

See noobsta, noob, pimp, guy, thing


sean drei

sean is a pimpsta no quetions asked


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