What is Pine Ridge Secondary School?


Pine Ridge Secondary School is located in Pickering, Ontario within the Durham District School Board. The school has students in grades 9-12 and offers a wide range of academic and extra-curricular activities. Currently, it is the largest high school in Pickering, Ontario with over 1800 students. Most of the students that "attend" are wanna-be gansters that think they are black, if not already. As of 2006, the P.R.S.S. grade 9-10 students seem to have suffered the effects of the Picking Nuclear Power Plant, as they are the in contention for the Guinness Book of Records: Smallest fucking people ever award. If this highschool continues in its current direction, it will be very comparable to the Compton Unified School District. As the previous author stated: "this place needs a reality show", it would also require a drug search, an immigrations raid, and a permanently posted police officer...and some febreeze for the smelly brown kids who don't shower. In conclusion, if you would rather not be robbed or infected by any of the skum that lurk around the school, go to Dunbarton...it's like 15 minutes away.

-pz out, Smoke

me: "man a bunch of brown kids just got deported from our school..."

friend: " Yeah, and some kid went buck and shot a bunch of loud ass black kids, he was given a medal"

Random: "Pine Ridge Secondary School fucking sucks lol"

See pine, ridge, s.s., school, secondary, pickering


Pine Ridge Secondary School is located in Pickering, Ontario within the Durham District School Board. The school has students in grades 9-12. Of the students that "attend" are wanna-be gansters that think they are black, if not already. As of 2006, the P.R.S.S. grade 9-10 students seem to have suffered the effects of the Picking Nuclear Power Plant, as they are the in contention for the Guinness Book of Records: Smallest fucking people ever award. If this highschool continues in its current direction, it will be very comparable to the Compton Unified School District. As the previous author stated: "this place needs a reality show", it would also require a drug search, an immigrations raid, and a permanently posted police officer...and some febreeze for the smelly brown kids who don't shower(they think they're ganster too). If you would rather not be robbed or infected by any of the skum that lurk around the school, go to Dunbarton HS...it's like 15 minutes away.

me: "man a bunch of brown kids just got deported from our school..."

friend: " Yeah, and some kid went buck and shot a bunch of loud ass black kids, he was given a medal"

Random: "Pine Ridge Secondary School fucking sucks lol"


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