Pipe Dream

What is Pipe Dream?


A vain dream that will never happen, given the harsh reality of life.

World peace and human equality are examples of pipe dreams because humans are more naturally inclined to kill off their competition than to cooperate.



n : a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe);

' I have this dream about being the king of the universe.'


Synonym for illusion.

The world living in peace and harmony some day- what a pipe dream.

See fantasy, hope, vision, idea, brainchild


any of the above definitions is good. but the following probably provides an dramatic example of the words in use.

A pipe dream is a girl that you dream about laying pipe to, although it will probably never happen.

See sex, tools, lead, fantasy


A dream that usually occurs during a short nap that leaves its victim with a large and often untimely errection.

That pipe dream came at the wrong time, now i have to hide my wood for an hour.

See wet dream, morning wood, pipedream


a fantasy or an illusion, dream, wish etc. that won't usually come true.

A kick ass Nintendo game! =]

Being able to love him is just a pipe dream.

Yoo i still play Pipe Dream!

See nintendo, dreaming, whatever, sad


The sad realization that an occurrence that could turn your life around has astronomical odds of happening.

I sure wish my intestinal track and ass could produce a useful amount of thrust.


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