Piper Joe

What is Piper Joe?


(Australian slang) used in reference to the act of or process of smoking a cone/bowl through a bong, pipe or other apparatus.

Erh, that one had a bit of zing in it. Want another piper joe before I pack this shit up?

See cone, bong, bowl, bilge, pot, smoke, yarndi, dakka, green, chang, Yggdrasil


(Australian slang) used in reference to the act of or process of smoking a cone/bowl through a bong, pipe or other apparatus.

Erh, that one had a bit of zing in it. Want another piper joe before I pack this shit up?

See cone, bong, bowl, bilge, pot, smoke, yarndi, dakka, green, chang, Yggdrasil


(Australian slang) a term applied to the cone(piece), bowl, etc.

Erh, that one had a bit of zing in it. Want another piper joe before I pack this shit up?

See bilge, ganja, dakka, yarndi, pipe, billy, bong, Yggdrasil


To partake in smoking a cone/bowl through a bong/pipe/etc.

Ugh, that one had a bit of zing in it. Want another piper joe before I pack this shit up?

See cone, bong, bilge, pipe, bowl, dakka, yarndi, pot, smoke, shmoke, smoko, weed, gunge, green, billy, Yggdrasil


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