
What is Pirate-ninja?


Pirate-Ninjas are basicly Ninjas that are as smooth-talking or disguistingly rude as a pirate, and can also perform all ninjary whilst being fucked up like a pirate.

Weed and Liqour are the standard intoxicants required for ninja-piracy, although any upper, downer, stimulant, depressant, dissociative, or psychedelic can be used.

There are three Master Pirate-Ninjas:

Jay the Liar

RizN the Trickster

and Nic The Guy Who Is Quiet, Short, and Incredibly Sneaky

from there, the hierarchy goes:

Pirate-Ninja Advocates (pirate-ninja trainees)

and Morons (everyone else)

whoa, that guy just smoked 5 blunts, ate a gram of shrooms, then kicked atleast 9 or 37 people in the face, got laid real quickly, then dissapeared into the night. Damn he's a Badass Pirate-Ninja!


The unholy union between a pirate and a ninja. Pirates and ninjas are widely known to be mortal enemies and are locked in eternal oppisition to each other.

Pirate-ninjas rarely exist in nature because they have extremely short half-lives; upon their creation they rapidly decay in a violent burst of short-wave radiation, heat, shurikens, and parrot feathers.

Pirates vs. ninjas - that ages-old question. Who would win?

The pirate-ninjas, of course!

See pirate, ninja, pirates, ninjas, booty


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