Piss Face

What is Piss Face?


jennifer's given nickname

piss face is a golden shower whore.

See cedrick


a rude, annoying asshole who thinks he's a hardass, bitches, moans and lies about everything in order to make friends. Pissfaces traditionally will lie about getting out in dodgeball, beat up children younger than them, cry often, lie about how much they party, say weird things to women, and wear clothing from wal mart with holes in them. They're often dirty and do dumbass things like play bloody knuckles or armwrestle women.They commonly are covered in muffling. Their natural habitat includes anywhere there are cigarettes or four wheelers. When a pissface is spotted it is encouraged to yell "sit down piss face!" and throw something at them. You can pissface-proof your home by keeping ample amount of literature in the home, having a male weighing at least 110 pounds around the house at all times, possessing plenty of soap, having a brick mail box, and digging holes in your yard and covering them with a blanket with leaves on top.

Piss Face! Everyone hates you!

See piss, face, pissface, pisser, pissly, pis, asshole, scaliwag


An ugly bastard who looks like they enjoy having a golden shower in the face.

Some one who looks like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle.

*Man Jamie Lloyd is a piss face.

* Fuck you piss face


Someone who you dont actually hate or diss-like, but cant be bothered being nice to.

Someone who annoys you but you are still their friend.

Abby: lets go to sarah's party!

Mel: No shes a piss face.

Abby: shes your best friend!!

Mel: i know, i just cant be bothered going.

See face, piss, annoying, piss head


1- a realy annoying person

2- someone who has piss all over their face

boy1- ure a bastard

boy2- yer well ure a piss face

See piss, pissy


A dog or cat that urinates in the house.

Shelley, your dog Jade is a Piss Face.

See adjective, pisser, dog, cat, bitch


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