Piss Factory

What is Piss Factory?


A shitty job, usually a summer job for teenagers who are really desperate for money and will lick cow balls to get it. Sung about in a Patti Smith song.

"Hey, man, Chelsea works at a real piss factory." "Yeah, I heard she has to shuck corn for six hours a day."


a dog or cat that pisses all over your house.

my dog is a piss factory.

See urine, shit, dog, cat


piss factory means pub or bar where people go to drink large amounts of alcohol.

especially a drunken man who loves drinking beer uses this word.

1 pint beer makes 1 pint piss!

T: where are you going?

B: Im going to the piss factory.

See i, may, be, a, piss, artist, Takako


Where you take a leak.

hey, where's the piss factory in here?


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