Pissing Contest

What is Pissing Contest?


1. A competition in urinating, most likely to see who is able to urinate the farthest or for longest time. Mostly done between males, although I'm not ruling out the female possibility.

2. An argument where each participant is merely attempting to out-do the other one, not for the sake of the truth coming out, but simply to win. (see pure heavy metalfans of any type of metal, the most uppity in the world.)

3. Two or more parties simply attempting to out-do one another, not for the sake of truly believing in their cause, but just to win in order to gain some kind of power, honour, or reward of some kind. (see politics, particularly Australian politics; see also university philosophy students if there is such a definition)

For good examples of #2 and #3, try Linkin Park, Metallica, Blink 182, George W. Bush, America, John Kerry, Religion, Football, Britain, Airsoft, Paintball, Punk, Skater, Goth, Rap and Ska

Okay, it's not about what you reckon anymore, it's just become a pissing contest. Want us to get out the measuring tape?


A pissing contest is any argument that just goes back and forth between two individuals but never gets resolved.

Joe: "I can piss farther than you can."

Bob: "No you can't!"

Joe: "Yes I can!"

Bob: "No you can't!"

Joe: "Yes I can!"

Bob: "No you can't!"

Joe: "Yes I can!"

Bob: "Prove it!"

Joe: "OK, you go first!"

Bob: "No, you go first!"

Joe: "No, you go first!"

Bob: "No, you go first!"

Joe: "No, you go first!"

... and so on.

Pete: "Man! That's one helluva pissing contest you two guys are having."

See argument, squabble, quarrel, dispute


1. a dispute that's a matter of one side's claims or bluster against the other's; a word feud; bickering; belly bumping. Contrary to some definitions, women are quite capable of(although usually less inclined to) "hold their own" in a pissing contest, which could morph into a shirt-shredding cat fight

2. many of the pointless definitions at this site that every one over the age of 8 already knows the meaning of

Liberal Conservative



Religion Atheist

ad nauseum in aeternum


1. (noun) A competition in which two or more people, usually (but not exclusively) male, urinate with the intention of producing the stream with the furthest distance.

2. (noun) Meaningless though nonetheless entertaining event or act in which people try to outdo one another.

The conversation between the two men was merely a pissing contest, both were trying to impress the attractive woman standing nearby with their wit and intelligence.


1. A contest, usually between two males, to see who can urinate over the longest distance, or for the longest amount of time.

2. A contest in which logical rational argument in the search for truth gives way to emotional and/or personal attacks for the sake of power or reputation. Usually such contests leave a feeling of ill-will amongst all involved, and prove nothing more than who belongs where in a primal heirarchy.

Derived from the term "pissing grounds", which are usually urinated on to mark ownership.

What started out as a rational debate quickly degenerated into a pissing contest.

See politics, piss, primate, primal


Macho posturing


Term most famously used by President Lyndon B. Johnson, perhaps the most foul-mouthed senior politician in the history of the USA, who famously instructed us "not to get into a pissing contest with a polecat." Unfortunately, Johnson failed to take his own advice and embroiled American troops in Vietnam.

Given that I instructed my fellow Americans not to get into a pissing contest with a polecat, the sheer amount of urine on my business suit is a tad surprising.


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