
What is Plainedge?


everyone who lives in plainedge knows there hood and loves it, the place to be on the weekends is always harmons or at schwarting to down brews and fuck people up. 99% of your school smokes pot and 100% of your school is always drinking everynigh of the weekend and summer, and you know the security guard who drives the jeep is a joke so when he tries to bust you, you laugh...the best damn place to be on LI

plainedge is so damn gutta

See new york, ghetto, long island, beer


Plainedge. Glorious fucking Plainedge.

Plainedge is, hands down, the shittiest town in the United States. Not because it's dangerous or poor; shit no, there's enough rich white people that if they pooled all their money they'd feed all of Africa for like 50 years. No, Plainedge is shitty because there's absolutely dick to do. At ALL times. You know how most towns have at least one distinguishing characteristic or place that kicks ass that no one else has?

Yeah, Plainedge doesn't have one of those.

The closest thing to a 'landmark' in Plainedge is fucking Harmon's, a shitty little convenience store that all the freshmen and sophomores smoke tons of weed and become alcoholics behind. It always smells like shit because of how much everyone pisses and throws up behind it, but goddamn if everyone isn't there.

If you're not behind Harmon's, you're either hanging out at the High School, Packard, Schwarting, Eastplain or West. At these locations, you have a choice of 3 exciting activities; Drinking, Smoking Weed, or taking care of your friends that are about to fall over dead from too much of the previous 2 choices. That's it. That's all there is to do in Plainedge. Weed and Alcohol. All day. Every day. FOREVER. Get fucked up, go home, and play Halo/jack off/fuck your girlfriend or boyfriend/whatthefuckEVER.

There are no positive aspects of Plainedge. I mean, seriously, where the fuck do people die of heroin overdoses (RIP Natalie) besides motherfucking PLAINEDGE?

Plainedge is a shit town, and you're a dumbass if you think otherwise.

But I'm pretty sure everyone in Plainedge can agree that they'd never want to live anywhere else.


See weed, beer, mexicans, shithole


best town in LI.our football team is best on island and own Farmingdale...they SUCK

Oh yeah and R.I.P. Mikey ;)

long islandPlainedge

See li, long island, red devils, bobcats, football


ok plainedge is basicaly the best town ever.every weekend everyone just basically gets drunk or gets high as fuck. you either hang out at harmon packard or dunkin donuts. everyone in the town loves to fight. whenever there is a town fight no doubt you will have kids to back you up. but the kids to beat are of course d-block. whenever there is a town fight no one fights without them. other than that the only bad thing is the fuckin 11 and twelve grade jocks who fuckin always start shit with freshmen cause they think there tough but when it comes to there age there just pussies. thats all there is to plainedge, get drunk, high, or just start fights

plainedge is the shit

See high, drunk, harmon, packard, dunkin donuts


a school district in south eastern nassau county, (at least i think its south eastern) long island. its basically the leftovers of all the other schools surrounding it. plainedge goes into the towns of bethpage, seaford, north massapequa, massapequa, farmingdale, little parts of levittown, etc. the teachers suck and look at our myspaces. were good at football, wrestling, we're :-| at basketball, and not that many plainedge kids watch the baseball games, sorry. not many kids from the school hang out with each other, we all have our "friends" from island trees, massapequa, where-ever. the building is shit, why is there granite in the lobby? we should have gotten the new middle school and the packard kids could suck it. plainedge hates every other school, but everyone hangs out with kids frmo other schools. the freshman suck, every year we get a new batch of kids who tihnk theyre cool. i cant think of anything else, so im gonna go take my ADD medicine like 94% of the plainedge population. bye.

person 1: steve guttenberg went to plainedge yay!!!! yay!!!!

person 2: who cares.

See shit, poop, island trees


A part of the Long Island suburbs where apparently, people know how to use computers and go to slangdefine and...erm..."brag" on the internet about stupid shit that doesn't matter.

Like most of Long Island, this place is filled with tons of shitty kids.

Your town is no worse or better than any other bullshit, white-bread suburb anywhere on the planet. Get over yourselves.

This is why kids shouldn't be allowed the use the internet. Fuck.


"No, you're a typical suburban teenager."


See pathetic, terrible, plainedge, facepalm, failure


Plainedge is basically the pussiest town on long island. Little Pussies Like to start fights with Island Trees Kids, And Call College Kids, Use Brass Knuckles/Knives or any weapon they Can find because they know they will get their pussy asses beat if they used their fists. They think they are gangsters for example D-Block But if these guys are so "Hard" Then Go to Far Rock Queens and see how long theyd last even using their pussy ass knives. Basically Plainedge is made up of a bunch of pussies who can fight and are a bunch of dirtbags.

Plainedge, Pussies, Wannabe Gangsters, Faggets, Cant fight

See pussies, fags, dirtbags


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