What is Plan B?
An emergency contraceptive pill (levonorgestrel). When taken within 72 hrs. of sexual intercourse where no other contraceptive was used, or what was used didn't work, Plan B decreases the risk for pregnancy by almost 90%. It's available by prescription, except in California and New Mexico, where it's available OTC. It's different from the abortion pill, which actually causes an early rejection of the embryo, AFTER the woman is already pregnant. Plan B INTERFERES with the process of fertilization, BEFORE it happens. It doesn't protect against STD's though.
Ken: "Oops, babe, I just noticed that the rubber broke..."
Barbie: "Don't worry... I got a supply of Plan B."
An acoustic rapper from Londons East End. He spits about real shit and could be UK's strongest hip-hop contender ever. All his songs are backed by acoustic guitar - Plan B is unique.
"Sticks and stones break bones but what I say will leave you feeling dead and buried like you're 6 feet under earth" - Plan B, Who needs actions
1) a 2nd plan in case Plan A doesn't work out
2) a girl that you can call when you can't find any other girls that night.
I couldn't find any bitches, so I'll call Kim she's Plan B.
The person, thing, place, or idea that you go to when your first one fails.
A guy you ask out says no to you. Plan B is your closest friend.
A sexually oriented prank where you have sex on someone's pillow, and ejaculate on the other side. So, when the victim lays on their pillow, and it smells a bit like sex, they instictively turn it over, and lay their head on the other side, or Plan B.
Dave, my roommate, ate all the food in the apartment, so I gave him the old "Plan B".
A brand of skateboards, made popular by Ryan Sheckler.
I just bought a new Plan B board to replace my shitty flip board.
a plan.
"Oh s***! I just broke this s***! Time to go with plan B."