
What is Plastered?


Heavily under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

Rick couldn't handle drinking; he was plastered in under an hour.


Being heavily f-cked up due to a horribly enormous consumption of alchohol. Can be fun, but be sure to carefully pick out which clothes to throw up on.

person 1. ey buudy i fuckn luv u man....

person 2. but bud... u dont even relly kno me...

person 1. Im gonna puke....

person 2. wait fer me man....

both: shit guy, wer f-ckin plastered.

See drunk, hammered, wasted, stoned, baked, messed


when u drank too much ,, yea that feeling

man im soooo plastered ,, lets go home and drink more,,, hehehe

See Diamond


Drunk: when you drink a shitload of booze

That chick was so plastered.

See drunk, alk, alchohol, booze


When ur fucking Crunked way too drunk to stand up straight ..hectik time

MaN KyLe iS A PusSe He WaS PLaSTeReD AfTeR onLY 5 ShoTz


To be hit so hard the end result is landing on your ass, usually accompanied by some sort of injury or at the very lest momentaraly being disoriented. Usually accompanied by manic laughter by sadistic onlookers.

"The running back was running full tilt when the linebacker came out of no where and freakin plastered the guy so hard his helmet came off!"

See jacked, fucked-up, railroaded


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