
What is Play?


Anything to do with sexual relations: fooling around, making out, oral sex or having intercourse.

As in, "Do you want to play?"

See rose


To kid, or joke.

Hey, I'm just playing.

See Vicky


1) To cheat on, to get used.

-(NOUN) someone who cheats.

2) to get hella game from the opposite or same sex.

Example 1:

Tracy: Um, My friend told me you were at the mall with some other skeez.

Rob: WTF? You trying to say i as PLAYing on you??

Tracy: You fucking PLAYER!...I'm gonna bust a cap up in yo ass!.. bitch!

Example 2:

Tracy: Yo!.. you go out with the boys last night?

Rob: Fo sho's.. I had much PLAY up in the club...Cuz I was mad bling up in my new Threads.

Tracy: Shiiet!.. only PLAY you got was from yo mom!..NIGGA!


another name for a drama production

into the woods is an awsome play

See corie


sex , to have fun, to be used

yo i got me some play last nite

letz go play out side

yo shorty tried to play me

See play, plays, played, fun


noun | some form of physical sexual action. generally found used in combo with the word 'get'.

"I ain't gettin no play these days! Ain't as smooth as I used to be, I guess."


Used in spanish (Colombia)as an adjectiveto describe something or someone that is prettystylished, fashionableor elegant.

Ella siempre se ve super "play"/ She always looks so fashionable

Su pinta es super play / She has a stylished look

See cool, elegant, adjective, fashionable


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