
What is Plo?


The Palestinian Liberation Organization,

Ebinwas a coolie that I used to know,

Now he's down with the PLO

He's Kickin' it live with the KKK;



acronym for Please Leave On, its for important information written on school black boards so that janitors won't erase and clean it.


| 1+1=2 |

| |

| p.l.o. |



a person impossible to understand.

someone who's actions are completely

irrational and nonsensical.

"who ate all the guacamole?"

"mmm, must have been a plo."


"oh that guacamole just got ploed!"

See woody, peelo


someone who is doing or saying something crazy or unheard of, or just does or says something you don't agree with

can also be used to describe someone who's not cool at the time

can also be used in a joking way

"Why are you such a plo...I told you not to eat my chips!"

"He's a plo...he didn't call me last nite"

See plo, ploe, plow, ploes, plos


The Palestine Liberation Organisation. They oppose the terrorist zionist regime which has stolen most of their land.

The PLO don't stand much of a chance against the Zionist regime, as their terrorism is supported and funded by the USA.

See plo, zionism, zionist, palestine, israel, hez


"Palstinian Liberation Organisation". A terrorist group that became the Palestinian Authority PA which now claims to be the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. Current head is Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas)

Palestinian terrorist: "Hey, it'll make us seem more legitimate if we had a government."

Rest of the world: "How bout we give you more money and more legitimecy and then you can continue opressing your own people and funding terrorism."

Terrorist: "Ok, we'll change our plo to the PA"

See terrorism, terrorist, ak47, jihad


a word you say it when you don't know another word for anything.

Let's plo somewhere. (plo= e.g. walk...)

See Ali


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