What is Plot Hole?
A portion of scripted material, usually in a movie or television show, that absolutely makes no sense at all and should have never been concieved by the writer(s) to begin with. A bump in the plot so bad that it kills any suspension of disbelief the viewer had.
Did you ever see Jeepers Creepers? Why would a young girl on a long drive with her boyfriend ever want to stop at a creepy farm to investigate someone shoving what seems to be a body into a hole in the ground? Most women let along younger girls I know won't even step on a bug.
Thats a plot hole you can drive a truck through.
1.Missing information or a break in the continuity of a storyline.
2.An unexplained event or inplausible situation in a storyline.
1. "I never understood why Wallace give the ring back at the end of the movie. That was a serious plot hole."
2. "What I never got about that game 'Doom' was why there were chainsaws on Mars. That just screams, 'PLOT HOLE!'"