
What is Plum?


A person who does a stupid action or says somthing stupid

Sam Wilson aka sitting duck


A short little fat kid who usually sucks at life. He also makes fun of other fat people to make himself feel good. Also he has no life and does random activities.

You are such a Plum, you are 4ft 11 and weigh 150 lbs, And all you do is play poker and fantasy football and you are bad at both.



A word used to emphasize or draw attention to the following word, especially in a positive setting, although it can be used in a variety of settings.

Person 1: I got the job!

person 2: Thats plum awesome!

or alternatively

Person 1: She dumped me on by birthday dude...

person 2: Thats plum lame

See awesome, dude, lame


A plum is also a person who is a symbol of peace. There are the Bloods, who are red, and the Crips, who are blue, and then there are the Plums, who are purple (a combination of the two, if you will).

Plums are also ultra fly people who spend their time being stared at for their pure beauty and awesomeness. They rarely say stupid things and are farther away from the previous (idiotic) definition of "a short fat kid" than the Earth is from the sun.

Blood: I'ma kill you!!

Crip: No, i'ma kill you!

Plum: Come on guys...

Person 1: You know, I thought I was cool, but that was before I met a plum.

Person 2: DAMN! You are so lucky...I wish I was a plum.

See gangster, the total package


Plum is an overflowing repository of superlatives and exaggerations with an oustanding magnitutude of annoyingness.

Plum's parents are reupted to own absolutely, just loads and loads of just simply amazing and really expensive antiques, probably more than anyone else in the world.

See plum, annoyingness, very


A most peculiar product of the English language; the word 'plum' can be used either on its own or as a prefix.

'Plum' first appeared in the North Coast of Australia, and soon swept the nation as young teens everywhere caught on to the word-craze.

The word has become so popular, youtube videos are springing up in its honour, and already crazed fan-girls have started myspace profiles in recognition of this trend. Or, as members of the plum alliance (the latest fan-girl creation) would say, this plum awesome trend!

Examples include, but are not limited to:

#1- I'm plumed!

#2- This movie is rated PG, for plum great!

#3- Wow! Talk about a plum-time/space continuum rip!

See plum, trend, pg, cult


Somethng which is realy good, or exactly right.

Matt hits a 6 in back yard cricket, he points to the air, running the length of the pitch yelling "Thats Plum!!!"

"Mate, see that chick over there? Shes plum."

See awsome, wikid, spot on, great


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