What is Plus One Defense Systems?


The epitome of a black belt factory. A product and service that is overpriced and of poor quality. The owner is a fraud who misrepresents the truth and conceals material fact to induce another to act to his detriment.

Plus One Defense Systems Martial Arts Studio, 20 Jefferson Ave., West Hartford, CT 06110

McDojo is a pejorative term used by some Western martial artists to describe a martial arts school where image or profit is of a higher importance than technical standards, and in the related use of martial arts franchising. The term is an example of McWords applied to Japanese martial arts dojo. 1A McDojo of Korean martial arts may be referred to as a McDojang but the term McDojo is used for various arts regardless of origin. While using the term McDojo primarily indicates judgement of a school’s financial or marketing practices, it also implies that the teaching standards of such school may be much lower than that of other martial arts schools, or that the school presents non-martial arts training as martial arts. Where a McDojo's practices may border on fraud, this can be referred to as bullshido.

Plus One Defense Systems

See mcdojo, wikipedia, fraud


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