
What is Pmt?


Pre-Menstrual Tension. A hormono-psychological disturbance that affects (to some degree or another) anyone in proximity to someone in, or experiencing the main phase of, a menstruation cycle.

See also: PMS


Stands for Pre-Menstrual Tension.

The female gender get it around the time of their period. If you know whats good for you stay away from a female on PMT!! A girl on full blown PMT is not a pretty sight. Approach with care, the slightest action can trigger of a hissy fit and do not do anything to upset her or make her angry.

Its all common sence really =)

Girl - "Omfg!! Dude just fuck off!!! I'm sick fed up of you you're really pissing me off!!! I'm not taking this!"

Guy - "Oh someones got PMT!"

See female, girl, bitch, period, hissy fit


after one watches a movie, the pulling out of phones by everyone in a theater, replying to people about how the movie was, or to texts recieverd during the movie.

(post movie text)

1)that movie was great im gunna PMT everyone about it

2) oh shit look at everyone PMT-ing

See movie, texting, shit, info, great


Pearl Milk Tea, a common drinks among asians. It's usually served cold with tapioca pearls mixed with milk and tea. Although this may sound gross, its actually a very sweet and delicious. Usually associated and eaten with fried chicken, asian style.

- I love to munch on my pearls as i drink my PMT.

-Hey lets go to Q-Cup and get some PMT and then go to Tapioca Express for their mouth-watering chicken.

-Dan bought his first PMT and weakly thrusted his straw through the plastic cap, resulting in PMT over his clothes.

See pmt, tapioca, fantasia, ophelia


Post Meal Tiredness - often experienced after a heavy pub lunch.

Man, I got some serious PMT.

See food, pms, tiredness


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