
What is P00nt?


When you're pwned.

When people say the werd "pwned" you have to understand that it's incorrect. It's really the supposed to be p00nt.

Tell your mom that you're pwned, and she'll send you to some special class where you explain your addiction with others.

Tell your mom you been p00nt, she'll tell you to get over it. SEE THE DIFFERENCE?


I beat |XYZ|G4M30V3R in Unreal Tournament 2004 by 7 kills! He been P00NT!


Dude, XyZeR is on the cover of a new video game! "XyZeR-Not 1337!" That means he's been p00nt!


Hey, Bryan McPimp the fisherman shot that whale in the side. That whales been har-p00nt.


Danny Hompoth p00nts all. Don't believe me? Go to xyzhq.


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