What is Poco?
Abbreviation of Port Coquitlam, a smaller city on the outskirts of Vancouver. PoCo is infamous for being a rough almost Compton like suburb and also it is where mass murderer/ pig farmer Willy Pickton lived. PoCo was a nice place in the 70's and 80's when its population first started to grow and it was also the hometown of Canadian hero; Terry Fox.
"You're from PoCo? I know not to mess with you!"
Person who is wider than they are tall.
- a human chode
eg. capper
an idiot that does whatever it takes to get attention.
"hey poco, go cut off your wang"
"will it make me cool?"
"ok then"
a racist term used for any person whos of mexican decent.
We need to round up all these pocos and send them back to mexico.
fat kid who's name cannnot be menchined (dave capper)and is a paedo hu fancies girls (and boys) younger than him. even ones he is 2 fat to have a chance with. also see Chode.
Poco, do ya wanna play grab the flab?
you fuckin dickhead im gonna kill u cos u sucked off me boyfriend your a right chodey dochey poco u nob jockey.
A kickass person with a lot of mental problems who isn't a CHODE and lives in a little hic town in Texas who is 5'2 and a troubling age of 16 and likes to get high on sugar.
Poco: AKA: The Frivolous Oddball that could 1)Kick your ass or 2) lurve your ass.