What is Pocos Pero Locos?
1. Term usually used when describing a Hispanic streetgang that is few in numbers. Literally means "few but crazy" or "crazy few".
I don't give a shit if there's 30 of them and only 10 of us, fuck it ey, somos pocos pero locos!
We may not be many, but were not to be fucked with. Literally "small but crazy".
Chuey: Ey
carnale , thosebuster s fromanother neighborhood are talkin shit, sayin were notdown and shit.
Casper: Ey carnale, were Pocos Pero Locos, grab a
cuete , were gunna give those busters something to talk about.
Simon carnale.
"little but crazy" in spanish uaslly used and sayed in little Mexican gangs that are outnumbered but will not be thought of as a joke.
1."Aye vato were pocos pero locos ese dont mess with us!" 2." ........ is a crazy gang there pocos pero loco" 3. or you can say without s and it would be saying it to 1person