Poe Chat Cabal:

What is Poe Chat Cabal:?


A secret underground organization hell bent on taking over the world via the internets. No one knows the exact number of members. Those who have tried to infiltrate the inner circle have been viciously banned, never to return. According to ancient chat logs, the PCC will, some day, slay all unbelievers with their hordes of zombies and rat eating robots.

Be afraid. Pray that they haven't chatted about YOU!

The PoE Chat Cabal: stole my puppy and made me cry.

See gods, omniscient, kittens, robots


A made up term for a group of people that just chat on IRC.

Slagathor is very simple, so it's really easy to understand why he believes in the PoE Chat Cabal.

See Bokonon


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