
What is Poep?


Dutch and Afrikaans for "poop".

Pronounced the same as English.


South African slang term for fart.

Mark: Oooo...I just had a sweet poep now....mmmm, can you smell that? It's quality!

Errol: Oh God yes.....silent but deadly!!

Fran: What's that's smell? John!! Did you poep now?!

John: No, it was the dog.

Fran: Stop blaming the poor dog! I know it was you. I can recognise that smell anywhere!

John: Okay fine, it was me. But hey, "wat nie rent betaal nie moet uit"! (those that don't pay the rent has to get out!)

See fart, poep, poop, cracker, gas, flatulence, chemical warfare


Dutch slang for 'nonsense'.

Einstein was no dictator of Germany! You talk poep, my friend...

See crap, nonsense, dirt, jesus fuck, jack shit


a mispelling of "poop"

I wanted to say poop but I'm dumb and spelled it poep.


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